We have tracked, categorized under Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification), over 22 funding programs and $84,095,500 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Engaging Workers and Civil Society to Strengthen Labor Law Enforcement, Phase II Apply for NOI ILAB 23 06

Funding Number: NOI ILAB 23 06
Agency: Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Funding Amount: $2,000,000
Auto Employer Project Apply for NOI ILAB 23 04

Funding Number: NOI ILAB 23 04
Agency: Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
Journalist Capacity Building Programs (Multiple Projects) Apply for SCAISB 23 AW 006 02282023

Funding Number: SCAISB 23 AW 006 02282023
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Pakistan
Funding Amount: $150,000
DRL FY22 IRF: Promoting Inclusive Societies in Mongolia Apply for SFOP0009318

Funding Number: SFOP0009318
Agency: Department of State, Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor
Funding Amount: $500,000
Beyond Decriminalization: Expanding LGBTQI+ Rights in Botswana Apply for AF GAB PE ARDF FY21

Funding Number: AF GAB PE ARDF FY21
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Botswana
Funding Amount: $300,000
English Language Immersion Camps for Russian University Students Apply for DOSRUS22CA002

Funding Number: DOSRUS22CA002
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Russia
Funding Amount: $250,000
Countering WMD Threats in Iraq Apply for SFOP0008431

Funding Number: SFOP0008431
Agency: Department of State, Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation
Funding Amount: $500,000

Funding Number: BIA ICWA 2021
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Funding Amount: $150,000
Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Apply for DHS 21 GPD 067 00 01

Funding Number: DHS 21 GPD 067 00 01
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Department of Homeland Security - FEMA
Funding Amount: $15,000,000
Project to Combat Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains in Malaysia Apply for FOA ILAB 21 02

Funding Number: FOA ILAB 21 02
Agency: Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Funding Amount: $6,165,500
2020 TIP Office Annual Program Statement to Address the Impacts of COVID-19 Apply for SFOP0007233

Funding Number: SFOP0007233
Agency: Department of State, Office to Monitor-Combat Trafficking in Persons
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
APG Army Compatible Use Buffer Program Apply for MICC FSH 20 0004

Funding Number: MICC FSH 20 0004
Agency: Department of Defense, Mission and Install. Cmd. JBSA Ft. Sam Houston
Funding Amount: $50,000,000
Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism - Annual Program Statement Apply for SCAISB 20 AW 007 04022020

Funding Number: SCAISB 20 AW 007 04022020
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Pakistan
Funding Amount: $300,000
U.S. Embassy Athens, Public Affairs Section, Annual Program Statement Apply for PAS ATHENS FY20 01

Funding Number: PAS ATHENS FY20 01
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Greece
Funding Amount: $60,000
Support for Ukrainian Displaced Universities Apply for PAS UKRAINE 2019 012

Funding Number: PAS UKRAINE 2019 012
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Ukraine
Funding Amount: $350,000
Technical Engagements on Iran Sanctions: UAE Emirates and EXBS International Partners Apply for SFOP0005919

Funding Number: SFOP0005919
Agency: Department of State, Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation
Funding Amount: $400,000
Story Mapping for Indigenous Places (Mandan, Hidatsa, Sahnish) Apply for NPS NOIP19AC00096

Funding Number: NPS NOIP19AC00096
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $40,000
2019 MEPI Local Grants Apply for SFOP0005770

Funding Number: SFOP0005770
Agency: Department of State, Assistance Coordination
Funding Amount: $500,000
Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 National Dam Safety Program (NDSP) - Region 5 Apply for DHS 19 MT 041 05 01

Funding Number: DHS 19 MT 041 05 01
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Department of Homeland Security - FEMA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Protecting SA heritage & reducing demand for wildlife Apply for DOS PTA 201911

Funding Number: DOS PTA 201911
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to South Africa
Funding Amount: $30,000
Lebanon Experiential Partnership: Increasing Economic and Local Governance Opportunities Apply for SFOP0005314

Funding Number: SFOP0005314
Agency: Department of State, Assistance Coordination
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
Cultural Preservation of Historic Sites and Monuments (Built Heritage) Apply for SCAKAB 18 AW 010 SCA 04162018

Funding Number: SCAKAB 18 AW 010 SCA 04162018
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Afghanistan
Funding Amount: $400,000


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